
Victoria Park Xavier Hockey Club

Junior, Grads & Minkey Programs

Junior Programs

The club runs a number of Junior Programs catering to children from ages 3 to 18 years as follows:

Minkey Program

Minkey is a modified form of field hockey for Pre-Kindy (3 year old's) to Year 2 students. Minkey is designed to encourage players to develop their skills and game knowledge in a fun and interactive environment through the use of skills-based games and modified team games.

Ages: Pre-Kindy (3 year old's) to Year 2 students

Teams: Teams of approximately 10 - 12 players are put together based on age and where possible children are placed into teams with friends or students from their school. 

Sessions: Sessions run for approximately one (1) hour from 8:30 - 9:30am on Saturday mornings.

Click here for the Minkey & Grads 2024 Calendar 

Location: All sessions are held at Fletcher Park, Weston Street, Carlisle 6101. 

Minkey Team Field Locations 2024 - click here.

Equipment: All players will require the below - 

  • Hockey Stick
  • Shinguards
  • Mouthguard*

These can be purchased from our club sponsor Just Hockey or any Hockey Store. 

*For our youngest Minkey players, store bought mouthguards (from a Hockey store or Chemist) can be trimmed down with scissors and the edges softened using a nail file.

Uniform: All players will require the below - 

  • VPXHC Minkey Shirt 
  • VPXHC Hockey Socks 
  • Black Shorts/Skirt
  • Runners

The VPXHC Minkey Shirt and VPXHC Hockey Socks can be purchased at the beginning of the season. 

Cost: Breakdown of 2025 minkey fees, per child:

  • $tbc club fee (includes all sessions, 2 x discos, wind up, participation medal and team photo)
  • $22.81 Hockey Australia fee (includes personal injury insurance, unfortunately minkey players are no longer exempt from this) 
  • $100 non-volunteering fee (there is no fee for parents who are able to complete volunteering duties during the season)

Volunteers: Minkey at Vic Park Panthers is run entirely by volunteers so the support of parents in the below roles is essential to ensure that all children have a wonderful Minkey experience - 

  • Coach or Assistant Coach
  • Team Manager
  • Canteen Duty

If you have any questions or need any more information about Minkey at Vic Park Panthers, please email minkey@vicparkpanthers.com.au or visit the Junior Contacts page. 

Registrations will be open in early 2025! 

Grads Program

Grads is a modified form of field hockey for Year 3 & 4 students. Grads is designed as a great entry level into Hockey and is played on a half field with modified rules, transitioning to playing full field by the end of the season.

Teams: Teams of approximately 8 – 10 are put together to encourage a mix of age and skill level (friend / team groups on request).

Sessions: The season consists of approximately 14 weeks of Training/Games, commencing Term 2 and runs through until end of August / early September (please note: there are no sessions on long weekends or school holidays) 

Click here for the Minkey & Grads 2024 Calendar 

  • Training: Wednesday evenings from 5 – 6pm, with a focus on skills-based drills and game knowledge. A copy of the calendar can be found below - 

Grads Training Dates 2025 - coming soon 

  • Games: Saturday mornings from 8:30 – 9:30am, with modified games in a round robin style competition against other VPXHC Grads teams. A copy of the calendar can be found below

Grads Game Dates 2025 - coming soon 

Location: Both Training and Games are at Fletcher Park, Weston Street, Carlisle 6101. A copy of the Grads field locations can be found below 

Grads Training Field Locations 2025 (Wednesday nights) - coming soon 

Grads Games Field Locations 2025 (Saturday mornings) - coming soon 

Equipment: All players will require the below –

  • Hockey Stick
  • Shinguards
  • Mouthguard

These can be purchased from our club sponsor Just Hockey or any Hockey Store. 

Uniforms: All players will require the below –

  • VPXHC Training Shirt 
  • VPXHC Hockey Socks 
  • Black Shorts/Skirt
  • Runners

The VPXHC Training Shirt and VPXHC Hockey Socks are available to purchase at the beginning of the season.

Cost: The fees for the 2025 season are only $tbc which includes all training and games sessions, as well as the windup, participation medal & team photo presented at the final session. VPXHC Grads players are unfortunatley no longer exempt from the Hockey Australia Levy. The fee for the 2025 season is $22.81 and includes personal injury insurance. 

Volunteers: Grads at Vic Park Panthers is run entirely by volunteers so the support of parents in the below roles is essential to ensure that all children have a wonderful Grads experience - 

  • Coach
  • Team Manager
  • Canteen Duty

If you have any questions or need more information about Grads at Vic Park Panthers, please email grads@vicparkpanthers.com.au or visit the Juniors Contacts page.

Registrations will be open in early 2025!

Hockey WA Competitions

The Hockey WA competitions are for players from Year 5 to 12. Players are placed in a grade according to their year group, not age. (e.g. J5/6 is for players in Years 5 & 6 at school). 

Years 5/6 and 7/8 teams all play on Saturday mornings at various venues. 

Games are held on a home and away basis, so each team will have some games at Fletcher Park, some at the opposition team’s home ground as well as turf games when allocated.

Year 9/10 games are on Sunday mornings.

Years 11/12 games are played on Friday nights.

Year 9/10 and 11/12 games are predominantly turf based. HWA allocates turf games to various metropolitan turf venues. Perth Hockey Stadium is Vic Park Panthers home turf.

Attendance at training is expected for all junior competitive teams. Players must notify their coach or team manager if they are unable to attend.

J5/6 teams train at Fletcher Park every Wednesday from 5-6pm. 

J7/8 and J9/10 train at Fletcher Park on Wednesday from 6-7pm. A and A reserve teams will also have a second, one hour training session on turf at Perth Hockey Stadium, with days and  times varying according to turf availability.

J11/12 teams will have one turf training session each week at Perth Hockey Stadium usually on a Monday or Tuesday. All year 11/12 players are also encouraged to train with seniors and play seniors when invited to enable a smooth transfer into senior hockey.

Registrations will be open early in 2025!


Photo Credit @Dro-Fo Photography
