
Victoria Park Xavier Hockey Club



2025 Registrations now open

2025 Registrations now open for Seniors, Juniors and Volunteers. Click on the Registrations tab and proceed with registration. Instructions are also under the Registrations tab.

New 2025 Executive Committee roles

The current Executive Committee structure was introduced when there were 350 playing members. Player numbers have increased beyond 650 and the Club needs to increase the size of the Committee to cope with this increase. After detailed discussions by the Executive Committee and input form senior club members the Committee has been increased by two positions. New roles of Operations President and Communications and Social President have been created with Jess Dunn and Paris McGuckin appointed.

2025 Executive Committee

New Executive Committee elected at recent AGM. Long standing President James Savundra and Junior President John Pilatti have stepped down but will continue to be involved in a number of roles next season. Thanks so much for you efforts over a long period of time. Les Jayatilaka steps up as President, Brendan Kelly takes over as President Juniors and Stuart Lamont returns as Club Secretary. Andrew Just, Anne Magennis and Kate Djurkovic all remain in their current roles.


Long standing club members Graham "Poss" Reid and Deb Reid have been inducted as Life Members at the recent Annual General Meeting. We thank you for your tireless contributions to the club over many years........congratulations to you both.

Vic Park Panthers Chronicles

4 Episodes Available Now! These local hero's are "Real People" in the community who go about their lives contributing to the community and organisations within I hope you enjoy listening to their stories as much as I enjoy spending some time with them
