
Victoria Park Xavier Hockey Club

VPXHC Sponsorship Opportunities

2025 Vic Park Panthers Sponsorship Opportunities

If you are looking to include your senior and/or juniors fees into a sponsorship opportunity then please contact John Pilatti on 0408 765 223 or sponsorship@vicparkpanthers.com.au for a bespoke package to suit your needs and budget. Tax invoices will be issued on all sponsorships.


Panthers Business Club

Introducing Panthers Business Club. To create a fantastic network of club sponsors, the basis of all membership levels will be the Panthers Business Club membership.

The membership includes:

  • Invitations to all sponsors, club and special events, 
  • Business recognition on website
  • Introductory thankyou on Social media
  • Fletcher Park 10% discount card
  • Use of Fletcher Park facilities during hockey season (subject to purpose and availability)
  • Vic Park Panthers promotional items
  • Cost - $500 (includes GST, tax invoice issued)


Sponsorship levels


VPXHC Major Sponsorship

(Corporate and Gold)

Branding Exposure

        Naming rights opportunity to Minkey, Grads or other junior and seniors club programs (minimum 3 year term)

        Premier shirt advertising opportunity (minimum 3 years term) 

         Business Logo on website, emails and monthly newsletter under "Major Sponsors" 

         Recognition at all events for being a Major Sponsor

Advertisements Opportunity:

         Advertisement in Panther Press (Corporate each issue and Gold every second issue)

         Business promotions on Clubs social media (Corporate minimum 4 posts and Gold minimum 3 posts)

         Physical advertisement opportunity at events (flyer, business cards, etc.)

Complimentary Event Invitations

Opportunity to network with other sponsors and club

·         Panthers Business Club membership valued at $500

·         Complimentary tickets to Award Dinner valued at $150ea (4 x Corporate, 2 x Gold)

·         Complimentary table to Quiz Night valued at $125 (table of 8-10)

·         Invitation to all sponsors days and events, with drinks & food included

·         Cost – Gold from $2500 and corporate from $5000 (includes GST, tax invoice issued)




 VPXHC Supporter Sponsorship

(Silver and Bronze)

Branding Exposure

         Business Logo on website under "Supporter Sponsors"

         Business Logo on monthly newsletter under "Supporter Sponsors"

         Recognition at events for being a sponsor

Advertisements Opportunity:

         Advertisement in Panther Press issues (Silver minimum 2 issues and Bronze minimum 1 issue)

         Business promotion on Club social media (Silver minimum 2 posts and Bronze minimum 1 post)

Complimentary Event Invitations

Opportunity to network with other sponsors and club

·         Panthers Business Club membership valued at $500

·         Complimentary ticket to Award Dinner valued at $150ea (Silver Only)

·         Complimentary table to Quiz Night valued at $125 (Silver Only)

·         Invitation to sponsors days and events, with drinks & food included

·         Cost - Silver from $1500 and Bronze from $1000 (includes GST, tax invoice issued)


VPXHC Members Sponsorship

VPXHC Member Sponsorship includes:

  • Panthers Business Club membership valued at $500 (minimum requirement to include membership fees)
  • VPXHC player/players registration fee (refer to membership fees)
  • Business promotion on Clubs social media (provided content)
  • Invitation to sponsors days
  • 1 year terms
  • Optional tickets to club awards night ($150 each)
  • Optional Quiz night table ($120 each)
  • Optional Player or Match Day Sponsorship (from $550)
  • Cost - minimum $500 plus membership costs (Includes GST, tax invoiced issued)
  • Contact sponsorship@vicparkpanthers.com.au for a custom members sponsorship package.


VPXHC Player Sponsorship

VPXHC Player Sponsorship includes:

  • Player Engagements
  • Match Day Recognition
  • Business promotion on Panther Press, website, emails and social media
  • Invitation to sponsors day.
  • 1 year term.
  • Cost $1100 (Includes GST, tax invoiced issued)


VPXHC Match Day Sponsorship

VPXHC Match Day Sponsorship includes:

  • Pre-match and post-match Team Engagements
  • Match Day Experience with drinks provided during the game
  • Business promotion on website, emails and social media
  • Invitation to sponsors day.
  • Cost $550 (Includes GST, tax invoiced issued)


Contact the sponsorship team at sponsorship@vicparkpanthers.com.au to organise a sponsorship or to tailor a package to suit your needs.
