2025 Vic Park Panthers Sponsorship Opportunities
If you are looking to include your senior and/or juniors fees into a sponsorship opportunity then please contact John Pilatti on 0408 765 223 or sponsorship@vicparkpanthers.com.au for a bespoke package to suit your needs and budget. Tax invoices will be issued on all sponsorships.
Panthers Business Club
Introducing Panthers Business Club. To create a fantastic network of club sponsors, the basis of all membership levels will be the Panthers Business Club membership.
The membership includes:
- Invitations to all sponsors, club and special events,
- Business recognition on website
- Introductory thankyou on Social media
- Fletcher Park 10% discount card
- Use of Fletcher Park facilities during hockey season (subject to purpose and availability)
- Vic Park Panthers promotional items
- Cost - $500 (includes GST, tax invoice issued)
Sponsorship levels
VPXHC Major Sponsorship
(Corporate and Gold)
Branding Exposure
• Naming rights opportunity to Minkey, Grads or other junior and seniors club programs (minimum 3 year term)
• Premier shirt advertising opportunity (minimum 3 years term)
• Business Logo on website, emails and monthly newsletter under "Major Sponsors"
• Recognition at all events for being a Major Sponsor
Advertisements Opportunity:
• Advertisement in Panther Press (Corporate each issue and Gold every second issue)
• Business promotions on Clubs social media (Corporate minimum 4 posts and Gold minimum 3 posts)
• Physical advertisement opportunity at events (flyer, business cards, etc.)
Complimentary Event Invitations
Opportunity to network with other sponsors and club
· Panthers Business Club membership valued at $500
· Complimentary tickets to Award Dinner valued at $150ea (4 x Corporate, 2 x Gold)
· Complimentary table to Quiz Night valued at $125 (table of 8-10)
· Invitation to all sponsors days and events, with drinks & food included
· Cost – Gold from $2500 and corporate from $5000 (includes GST, tax invoice issued)
VPXHC Supporter Sponsorship
(Silver and Bronze)
Branding Exposure
• Business Logo on website under "Supporter Sponsors"
• Business Logo on monthly newsletter under "Supporter Sponsors"
• Recognition at events for being a sponsor
Advertisements Opportunity:
• Advertisement in Panther Press issues (Silver minimum 2 issues and Bronze minimum 1 issue)
• Business promotion on Club social media (Silver minimum 2 posts and Bronze minimum 1 post)
Complimentary Event Invitations
Opportunity to network with other sponsors and club
· Panthers Business Club membership valued at $500
· Complimentary ticket to Award Dinner valued at $150ea (Silver Only)
· Complimentary table to Quiz Night valued at $125 (Silver Only)
· Invitation to sponsors days and events, with drinks & food included
· Cost - Silver from $1500 and Bronze from $1000 (includes GST, tax invoice issued)
VPXHC Members Sponsorship
VPXHC Member Sponsorship includes:
- Panthers Business Club membership valued at $500 (minimum requirement to include membership fees)
- VPXHC player/players registration fee (refer to membership fees)
- Business promotion on Clubs social media (provided content)
- Invitation to sponsors days
- 1 year terms
- Optional tickets to club awards night ($150 each)
- Optional Quiz night table ($120 each)
- Optional Player or Match Day Sponsorship (from $550)
- Cost - minimum $500 plus membership costs (Includes GST, tax invoiced issued)
- Contact sponsorship@vicparkpanthers.com.au for a custom members sponsorship package.
VPXHC Player Sponsorship
VPXHC Player Sponsorship includes:
- Player Engagements
- Match Day Recognition
- Business promotion on Panther Press, website, emails and social media
- Invitation to sponsors day.
- 1 year term.
- Cost $1100 (Includes GST, tax invoiced issued)
VPXHC Match Day Sponsorship
VPXHC Match Day Sponsorship includes:
- Pre-match and post-match Team Engagements
- Match Day Experience with drinks provided during the game
- Business promotion on website, emails and social media
- Invitation to sponsors day.
- Cost $550 (Includes GST, tax invoiced issued)
Contact the sponsorship team at sponsorship@vicparkpanthers.com.au to organise a sponsorship or to tailor a package to suit your needs.